• Cost Effective
  • Scalable
  • More Secure

Secure & Custom Developed

By deploying Mindpulley LMS, you will be ready to perform your operational tasks Day-1, rest will be managed by Mindpulley.

Mindpulley LMS

We understand the importance of selecting the right Learning Management System - one that has abundant of features, helps manage learning better, and more importantly, one that fits your enterprise's unique needs.

What makes us better than all others

  • Learning Management Software
  • 3 Layer Security
  • Robust Report Generation
  • Customizable Design

Mindpulley Learning Management System

Mindpulley LMS is an industry-trusted Learning Management System. It offers a host of features and functionalities for effective management of blended learning in institutes and organizations. At Mindpulley, we understand the importance of selecting the right Learning Management System - one that has abundant of features, helps manage learning better, and more importantly, one that fits your enterprise's unique needs. The Mindpulley LMS comes with a unique social learning framework & Content Authoring Features. With Mindpulley LMS, you can create your own instructionally sound, visually appealing, interactive courses quickly and easily. Seamless integration with Mindpulley LMS ensures that the entire process from course creation to delivery to the right users is transparent and automated.

3 Layer Security on Guard

This makes it less prone to hacking. We have implemented 3 level security checks on Client Side and Server Side. The system is completely protected from SQL Injections. Parts of the code have been kept encrypted so that no hacker can make changes in the website without your consent.

Robust Report Generation

Analytics and report generation is inbuilt in our custom developed learning management system. You can easily view automatically generated sales reports that help you keep track of your business. You can regularly check the status of abandoned training chart. Keeping track of performing and non performing products, inventory management, review of multiple user etc from the backend become easy.

Customizable to any design
and development needs

We don't want to restrict you to a fixed template or theme. You choose the look and feel of your online LMS. Our design and development experts promise to deliver whatever you want endless customization options. Not just the design but every development aspect is expandable. Our system is completely compatible with custom developed and third party APIs.

Stunning designs from a hand crafted structure
Designed by extremely talented designers and coded by the finest developers.

Custom Learning Management System Demo

Detailed Features list

Mindpulley LMS

Run your LMS on an Isolated Cloud single-tenant instance with top class Help desk services and additional advanced features.

  • App allows you to schedule both classroom and blended training sessions.
  • Users can upload videos as part of a course assignment. Once uploaded, a course instructor can evaluate the assignment, assign a score, and leave feedback for learners.
  • With LMS you can easily upload and share your training materials like PPT, PDF, Tin Can and Video files.
  • Track and Monitor your users training step by step.
  • Single-page Course area, drag & drop features, as simple as your favorite Social Network. Everything a user needs is on the wall.
  • Easily rebrand your Mindpulley E-Learning Platform for your business purposes.

Mindpulley LMS

Run your LMS on an Isolated Cloud single-tenant instance with top class Help desk services and additional advanced features.

  • App allows you to schedule both classroom and blended training sessions
  • Users can upload videos as part of a course assignment. Once uploaded, a course instructor can evaluate the assignment, assign a score, and leave feedback for learners.
  • With LMS you can easily upload and share your training materials like PPT, PDF, Tin Can and Video files!
  • Track and Monitor your users training step by step!
  • Single-page Course area, drag&drop features, as simple as your favorite Social Network. Everything a user needs is on the wall!
  • Easily rebrand your Mindpulley E-Learning Platform for your business purposes.

Mindpulley LMS

Run your LMS on an Isolated Cloud single-tenant instance with top class Help desk services and additional advanced features.

  • App allows you to schedule both classroom and blended training sessions
  • Users can upload videos as part of a course assignment. Once uploaded, a course instructor can evaluate the assignment, assign a score, and leave feedback for learners.
  • With LMS you can easily upload and share your training materials like PPT, PDF, Tin Can and Video files!
  • Track and Monitor your users? training step by step!
  • Single-page Course area, drag&drop features, as simple as your favorite Social Network. Everything a user needs is on the wall!
  • Easily rebrand your Mindpulley E-Learning Platform for your business purposes.

Mindpulley LMS

Run your LMS on an Isolated Cloud single-tenant instance with top class Help desk services and additional advanced features.

  • App allows you to schedule both classroom and blended training sessions
  • Users can upload videos as part of a course assignment. Once uploaded, a course instructor can evaluate the assignment, assign a score, and leave feedback for learners.
  • With LMS you can easily upload and share your training materials like PPT, PDF, Tin Can and Video files!
  • Track and Monitor your users? training step by step!
  • Single-page Course area, drag&drop features, as simple as your favorite Social Network. Everything a user needs is on the wall!
  • Easily rebrand your Mindpulley E-Learning Platform for your business purposes.

Mindpulley LMS

Run your LMS on an Isolated Cloud single-tenant instance with top class Help desk services and additional advanced features.

  • App allows you to schedule both classroom and blended training sessions
  • Users can upload videos as part of a course assignment. Once uploaded, a course instructor can evaluate the assignment, assign a score, and leave feedback for learners.
  • With LMS you can easily upload and share your training materials like PPT, PDF, Tin Can and Video files!
  • Track and Monitor your users? training step by step!
  • Single-page Course area, drag&drop features, as simple as your favorite Social Network. Everything a user needs is on the wall!
  • Easily rebrand your Mindpulley E-Learning Platform for your business purposes.

Mindpulley LMS

Run your LMS on an Isolated Cloud single-tenant instance with top class Help desk services and additional advanced features.

  • App allows you to schedule both classroom and blended training sessions
  • Users can upload videos as part of a course assignment. Once uploaded, a course instructor can evaluate the assignment, assign a score, and leave feedback for learners.
  • With LMS you can easily upload and share your training materials like PPT, PDF, Tin Can and Video files!
  • Track and Monitor your users? training step by step!
  • Single-page Course area, drag&drop features, as simple as your favorite Social Network. Everything a user needs is on the wall!
  • Easily rebrand your Mindpulley E-Learning Platform for your business purposes.

Mindpulley LMS

Run your LMS on an Isolated Cloud single-tenant instance with top class Help desk services and additional advanced features.

  • App allows you to schedule both classroom and blended training sessions
  • Users can upload videos as part of a course assignment. Once uploaded, a course instructor can evaluate the assignment, assign a score, and leave feedback for learners.
  • With LMS you can easily upload and share your training materials like PPT, PDF, Tin Can and Video files!
  • Track and Monitor your users? training step by step!
  • Single-page Course area, drag&drop features, as simple as your favorite Social Network. Everything a user needs is on the wall!
  • Easily rebrand your Mindpulley E-Learning Platform for your business purposes.

Mindpulley LMS

Run your LMS on an Isolated Cloud single-tenant instance with top class Help desk services and additional advanced features.

  • App allows you to schedule both classroom and blended training sessions
  • Users can upload videos as part of a course assignment. Once uploaded, a course instructor can evaluate the assignment, assign a score, and leave feedback for learners.
  • With LMS you can easily upload and share your training materials like PPT, PDF, Tin Can and Video files!
  • Track and Monitor your users? training step by step!
  • Single-page Course area, drag&drop features, as simple as your favorite Social Network. Everything a user needs is on the wall!
  • Easily rebrand your Mindpulley E-Learning Platform for your business purposes.

Mindpulley LMS

Run your LMS on an Isolated Cloud single-tenant instance with top class Help desk services and additional advanced features.

  • App allows you to schedule both classroom and blended training sessions
  • Users can upload videos as part of a course assignment. Once uploaded, a course instructor can evaluate the assignment, assign a score, and leave feedback for learners.
  • With LMS you can easily upload and share your training materials like PPT, PDF, Tin Can and Video files!
  • Track and Monitor your users? training step by step!
  • Single-page Course area, drag&drop features, as simple as your favorite Social Network. Everything a user needs is on the wall!
  • Easily rebrand your Mindpulley E-Learning Platform for your business purposes.
  • Intuitive Interface
  • Mindpulley LMS

    Simplify purchase with an intuitive navigation. Create the most simplistic interface for users, and sales will follow automatically.

    • Fully customizable user interface
    • Website usability given due importance
    • Easy and intuitive navigation
    • Customize not just the look of the website but also promotional emails and newsletters
    • Emails sent to customer via the store can be customized to suit your requirements. Dynamic replacement of text can also be done.
    • Send HTML Newsletters to your customers directly from your store.
    Consult for More Details
  • Secure System
  • Secure your website

    Encrypted code for better website security. Customize the code as per your requirements and add extra layers of protection.

    • Partly encrypted code that secures your system from hacking and allows for faster and robust programming.
    • Encrypted files are a bundle of PHP and Database manipulation functions which can be used by other programmers by reading our provided documentation.
    • MindpulleyLMS system is fully customizable and other programmers can modify the code as per the requirements.
    Consult for More Details
  • Multi Vendor
  • Lend control to merchants

    Let merchants manage inventory for creating better experience for shoppers. Share control on price, delivery time, & other details

    • Each vendor/merchant can manage his own inventory - after approval from the Portal Admin team - the new products become visible on the portal.
    • Buyer is not shown the vendor details. After order is placed by the buyer, the system automatically places the order with corresponding vendors.
    • Auto-split of Buyer Order into multiple Vendor Orders. Buyer can place order for products coming from different vendors in single order.
    • Each Vendor can choose his own price, delivery time, product delivery charges, cash on delivery charges, area of delivery, etc.
    Consult for More Details
  • Multi Store
  • Make merchants smile

    Empower merchants with store setup so that they promote & grow more. Keep the control in your hand at the same time.

    • Each vendor/merchant can have his/her own store - setup at www.yourdomain.com/store/vendorname or http://vendorname.yourdomain.com
    • Each vendor/merchant can manage his own inventory - after approval from the Portal Admin team - the new products become visible on the portal.
    • Buyer can view same product available at different pricing from different vendors and can select the best possible option.
    • We can allow or restrict the buyer to buy products from multiple vendors in single order.
    Consult for More Details
  • Dynamic Website
  • List as you wish

    Choose how people will see same product from different merchants. Also manage categories, pagination & more with ease.

    • Easy management of categories and sub categories, pagination, etc.
    • Instant display of various vendors for the same product. You can choose from either of the two options for the listings
      • Multiple product listings for the same product if the product description varies.
      • Single product listing for a product with a common description. The various vendors will be listed on the product details page.
    • Conveniently up-sell similar products and cross-sell complementary products to improve sales.
    Consult for More Details
  • Order Processing
  • Automate demanding tasks

    Let technology handle complicated tasks like order sorting & shipping cost calculation.

    • When orders are received from customers, they undergo splitting and consolidated.
    • All ordered products from various customers are sorted and split according to their respective suppliers and then consolidated and an order is created for each specific supplier.
    • While the original order remains the same, a sub-layer is automatically created below this that will hold the consolidated supplier specific orders.
    • MindpulleyLMS supports authorize.net and Paypal.
    • Real time shipping cost calculation
    • Configure sales tax per state or country (billing or shipping address)
    Consult for More Details
  • individual Training Friendly CMS
  • Benefit from Google

    Fine-tune different product pages for relevant search queries to get more sales, traffic & popularity

    • Automatically generated optimized and easy to personalize title tags, meta description, heading tags, text content and images
    • Hierarchically organized, editable and descriptive URL structure, especially important for a dynamic ecommerce website
    • Keyword search
    • Automatic sitemap.xml generation and update with changes in content
    Consult for More Details
  • Customer Groups
  • Get repeat customers

    Earn loyalty by giving special privileges to selected group of customers. Determine special pricing for credit purchasers.

    • Easily divide your customers into groups based on buying behavior or any other preferences
    • Treat each customer group separately to promote sales
    • Offer special discounts to a certain group of customers
    • Charge a different price from those buying on credit of 30 days or 60 days.
    Consult for More Details
  • Robust Reporting
  • Take informed decisions

    Plan for the future by studying past performance. Make improvements on the basis of sales & inventory related data.

    • Instantly track lifetime sales, Average sales, Last 5 orders, Top 5 search terms
    • Easy inventory management and demand forecasting by viewing sales trends, low stocks, and most sold products, etc.
    • View abandoned carts to figure out reason for loss of sales.
    • Based on the data, promote sales through discount coupons, bulk discounts, special discounts to new customers, etc.
    Consult for More Details

Does your Learning Management System have unique requirements?
MindpulleyLMS has been built with advanced LMS features.

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Custom developed packages

Go Quick
Ready to launch

  • Mindpulley LMS
  • Delivery within 48 hours
  • 1 month FREE tech support
  • More features at $15/hour

Go Custom
Complete custom design

  • Mindpulley LMS
  • Objective based design
  • 1 year FREE tech support
  • More features at $15/hour

Still not sure about Learning Management Sytem?
Mindpulley experts can advise you the RIGHT solution

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  • Responsive Website for Mobile Users
  • Customer Location Based Features
  • Additional Payment Gateways
  • Additional
    Feature Development

Looking for some custom feature added to your online education
Feel free to discuss with us for cost effective and scalable solution


Become partner or reseller
Need experienced Indian professionals

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